


I can't thank you enough for our session on Friday. You helped me unleash something inside and I've felt grounded and strong and sure ever since - and I have two medals from my tournament!

I lost my fight but it was close, and I stood my ground and kept scoring hits until the whistle blew!

Thank you again,


'Deli Baker’s presentation at the 14th International Mental Health Conference was noted to be one of the most valuable contributions to the education program.'

Conference Secretariat, Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association.

'Hi Deli

It has been a long time since I saw you for counselling when I was grappling with ending my marriage. In fact, it is now more than 2 years and although this thank you is long overdue, I wanted to let you know how much your help has moved my life forward in a better direction.

When I initially saw you I was struggling with a whole lot of “what if” questions about what would happen if I actually left my husband. Your consistent response to all of my questions was that I was not going to be able to influence or change his behaviour, or the response of my family, so why was I holding back? It finally dawned on me that I was not going to be able to manage my husband’s response or control it in any way and I just needed to get on with it.

You challenged all of my thinking and fears and gave me the push that I was looking for to change my life. My life has changed for the better. The anxiety and stress of being in a bad relationship was put to an end, and I have learned that you can have relationships that are based on friendship, support and love that make each day a happy one.

Thankfully my fears about my husband’s response to our separation did not eventuate to the extent that I thought they would. We have been able to maintain a supportive relationship for our kids and continue to consistently talk to each other about the kids and have been able to put them before anything else.

So Deli … thank you. I’m not sure without your help that I would have taken that final step when I did. It would have happened eventually, but without you in the background, it might have dragged on for a lot longer. I sincerely appreciate your help.

Kind regards,
